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Genesis Chapter 4

1 and~the~HUMAN (וְהָאָדָם / wê'ha'a'dam) he~did~KNOW(V) (יָדַע / ya'da) AT (אֶת / et) Hhawah (חַוָּה / hha'wah) WOMAN~him (אִשְׁתּוֹ / ish'to) and~she~will~CONCEIVE(V) (וַתַּהַר / wa'ta'har) and~she~will~BRING.FORTH(V) (וַתֵּלֶד / wa'tey'led) AT (אֶת / et) Qayin (קַיִן / qa'yin) and~she~will~SAY(V) (וַתֹּאמֶר / wa'to'mer) I~did~PURCHASE(V) (קָנִיתִי / qa'ni'ti) MAN (אִישׁ / ish) AT (אֶת / et) YHWH (יְהוָה / YHWH)

RMT: and the human had known Hhawah his woman and she conceived and she brought forth Qayin, and she said, I purchased a man with YHWH[27],

2 and~she~will~make~ADD(V) (וַתֹּסֶף / wa'to'seph) to~>~BRING.FORTH(V) (לָלֶדֶת / la'le'det) AT (אֶת / et) BROTHER~him (אָחִיו / a'hhiw) AT (אֶת / et) Hevel (הָבֶל / ha'vel) and~he~will~EXIST(V) (וַיְהִי / wai'hi) Hevel (הֶבֶל / he'vel) FEED(V)~ing(ms) (רֹעֵה / ro'eyh) FLOCKS (צֹאן / tson) and~Qayin (וְקַיִן / wê'qa'yin) he~did~EXIST(V) (הָיָה / hai'yah) SERVE(V)~ing(ms) (עֹבֵד / o'veyd) GROUND (אֲדָמָה / a'da'mah)

RMT: and she brought forth again his brother Hevel, and Hevel existed as a feeder of the flocks, and Qayin existed as a server of the ground,

3 and~he~will~EXIST(V) (וַיְהִי / wai'hi) from~CONCLUSION (מִקֵּץ / mi'qeyts) DAY~s (יָמִים / ya'mim) and~he~will~make~COME(V) (וַיָּבֵא / wai'ya'vey) Qayin (קַיִן / qa'yin) from~PRODUCE (מִפְּרִי / mi'pe'ri) the~GROUND (הָאֲדָמָה / ha'a'da'mah) DEPOSIT (מִנְחָה / min'hhah) to~YHWH (לַיהוָה / la'YHWH)

RMT: and it came to pass at the conclusion[28] of days, Qayin brought from the produce of the ground, a deposit to YHWH,

4 and~Hevel (וְהֶבֶל / wê'he'vel) he~did~make~COME(V) (הֵבִיא / hey'vi) ALSO (גַם / gam) HE (הוּא / hu) from~FIRSTBORN.FEMALE~s (מִבְּכֹרוֹת / mi'be'kho'rot) FLOCKS~him (צֹאנוֹ / tso'no) and~from~FAT~them(f) (וּמֵחֶלְבֵהֶן / u'mey'hhel'vey'hen) and~he~will~LOOK.WITH.RESPECT(V) (וַיִּשַׁע / wai'yi'sha) YHWH (יְהוָה / YHWH) TO (אֶל / el) Hevel (הֶבֶל / he'vel) and~TO (וְאֶל / wê'el) DEPOSIT~him (מִנְחָתוֹ / min'hha'to)

RMT: and Hevel had brought also, he from the firstborn females of his flocks and from their fat, and YHWH looked with respect to Hevel and to his deposit,

5 and~TO (וְאֶל / wê'el) Qayin (קַיִן / qa'yin) and~TO (וְאֶל / wê'el) DEPOSIT~him (מִנְחָתוֹ / min'hha'to) NOT (לֹא / lo) he~did~LOOK.WITH.RESPECT(V) (שָׁעָה / sha'ah) and~he~will~FLARE.UP(V) (וַיִּחַר / wai'yi'hhar) to~Qayin (לְקַיִן / lê'qa'yin) MANY (מְאֹד / mê'od) and~they(m)~will~FALL(V) (וַיִּפְּלוּ / wai'yip'lu) FACE~s~him (פָּנָיו / pa'naw)

RMT: and to Qayin and to his deposit he did not look with respect, and Qayin flared up[29] and his face fell[30],

6 and~he~will~SAY(V) (וַיֹּאמֶר / wai'yo'mer) YHWH (יְהוָה / YHWH) TO (אֶל / el) Qayin (קָיִן / qa'yin) to~WHAT (לָמָּה / la'mah) he~did~FLARE.UP(V) (חָרָה / hha'rah) to~~you(fs) (לָךְ / lakh) and~to~WHAT (וְלָמָּה / wê'la'mah) they~did~FALL(V) (נָפְלוּ / naph'lu) FACE~s~you(ms) (פָנֶיךָ / pha'ney'kha)

RMT: and YHWH said to Qayin, why were you flared up, and why is your face fallen.

7 ?~NOT (הֲלוֹא / ha'lo) IF (אִם / im) you(ms)~will~make~DO.WELL(V) (תֵּיטִיב / tey'tiv) >~LIFT.UP(V) (שְׂאֵת / sê'eyt) and~IF (וְאִם / wê'im) NOT (לֹא / lo) you(ms)~will~make~DO.WELL(V) (תֵיטִיב / tey'tiv) to~OPENING (לַפֶּתַח / la'pe'tahh) FAILURE (חַטָּאת / hha'tat) STRETCH.OUT(V)~ing(ms) (רֹבֵץ / ro'veyts) and~TO~you(ms) (וְאֵלֶיךָ / wê'ey'ley'kha) FOLLOWING~him (תְּשׁוּקָתוֹ / tê'shu'qa'to) and~YOU(ms) (וְאַתָּה / wê'a'tah) you(ms)~will~REGULATE(V) (תִּמְשָׁל / tim'shal) in~~him (בּוֹ / bo)

RMT: If you do well, will there not be a lifting up, but if you do not do well, there will be an opening of failure stretching out, and to you is his[31] following and you will regulate in him,

8 and~he~will~SAY(V) (וַיֹּאמֶר / wai'yo'mer) Qayin (קַיִן / qa'yin) TO (אֶל / el) Hevel (הֶבֶל / he'vel) BROTHER~him (אָחִיו / a'hhiw) and~he~will~EXIST(V) (וַיְהִי / wai'hi) in~>~EXIST(V)~them(m) (בִּהְיוֹתָם / bih'yo'tam) in~the~FIELD (בַּשָּׂדֶה / ba'sa'deh) and~he~will~RISE(V) (וַיָּקָם / wai'ya'qam) Qayin (קַיִן / qa'yin) TO (אֶל / el) Hevel (הֶבֶל / he'vel) BROTHER~him (אָחִיו / a'hhiw) and~he~will~KILL(V)~him (וַיַּהַרְגֵהוּ / wai'ya'har'gey'hu)

RMT: and Qayin said to Hevel his brother[32], let us go out into the field, and it came to pass in their existing in the field, and Qayin rose to Hevel his brother and he killed him,

9 and~he~will~SAY(V) (וַיֹּאמֶר / wai'yo'mer) YHWH (יְהוָה / YHWH) TO (אֶל / el) Qayin (קַיִן / qa'yin) WHERE (אֵי / ey) Hevel (הֶבֶל / he'vel) BROTHER~you(ms) (אָחִיךָ / a'hhi'kha) and~he~will~SAY(V) (וַיֹּאמֶר / wai'yo'mer) NOT (לֹא / lo) I~did~KNOW(V) (יָדַעְתִּי / ya'da'ti) ?~SAFEGUARD(V)~ing(ms) (הֲשֹׁמֵר / ha'sho'meyr) BROTHER~me (אָחִי / a'hhi) I (אָנֹכִי / a'no'khi)

RMT: and YHWH said to Qayin, where is Hevel your brother, and he said, I do not know, am I the guardian of my brother,

10 and~he~will~SAY(V) (וַיֹּאמֶר / wai'yo'mer) WHAT (מֶה / meh) you(ms)~did~DO(V) (עָשִׂיתָ / a'si'ta) VOICE (קוֹל / qol) BLOOD~s (דְּמֵי / dê'mey) BROTHER~you(ms) (אָחִיךָ / a'hhi'kha) CRY.OUT(V)~ing(mp) (צֹעֲקִים / tso'a'qim) TO~me (אֵלַי / ey'lai) FROM (מִן / min) the~GROUND (הָאֲדָמָה / ha'a'da'mah)

RMT: and he said, what did you do, the voice of the bloodshed of your brother is crying out to me from the ground,

11 and~NOW (וְעַתָּה / wê'a'tah) SPIT.UPON(V)~ed(ms) (אָרוּר / a'rur) YOU(ms) (אָתָּה / a'tah) FROM (מִן / min) the~GROUND (הָאֲדָמָה / ha'a'da'mah) WHICH (אֲשֶׁר / a'sher) she~did~PART(V) (פָּצְתָה / pats'tah) AT (אֶת / et) MOUTH~her (פִּיהָ / pi'ah) to~>~TAKE(V) (לָקַחַת / la'qa'hhat) AT (אֶת / et) BLOOD~s (דְּמֵי / dê'mey) BROTHER~you(ms) (אָחִיךָ / a'hhi'kha) from~HAND~you(ms) (מִיָּדֶךָ / mi'ya'de'kha)

RMT: and now, you are spat upon[33] from the ground which parted her mouth to take the bloodshed of your brother from your hand,

12 GIVEN.THAT (כִּי / ki) you(ms)~will~SERVE(V) (תַעֲבֹד / ta'a'vod) AT (אֶת / et) the~GROUND (הָאֲדָמָה / ha'a'da'mah) NOT (לֹא / lo) she~will~make~ADD(V) (תֹסֵף / to'seyph) >~GIVE(V) (תֵּת / teyt) STRENGTH~her (כֹּחָהּ / ko'hhah) to~~you(fs) (לָךְ / lakh) STAGGER(V)~ing(ms) (נָע / na) and~NOD(V)~ing(ms) (וָנָד / wa'nad) you(ms)~will~EXIST(V) (תִּהְיֶה / tih'yeh) in~the~LAND (בָאָרֶץ / va'a'rets)

RMT: given that you will serve the ground, she will not again give her strength to you, you will exist in the land staggering and nodding[34],

13 and~he~will~SAY(V) (וַיֹּאמֶר / wai'yo'mer) Qayin (קַיִן / qa'yin) TO (אֶל / el) YHWH (יְהוָה / YHWH) GREAT (גָּדוֹל / ga'dol) TWISTEDNESS~me (עֲו‍ֹנִי / a'o'ni) from~>~LIFT.UP(V) (מִנְּשֹׂא / mi'ne'so)[35]

RMT: and Qayin said to YHWH, great is my twistedness, it is more than I can lift up.

14 THOUGH (הֵן / heyn) you(ms)~did~much~CAST.OUT(V) (גֵּרַשְׁתָּ / gey'rash'ta) AT~me (אֹתִי / o'ti) the~DAY (הַיּוֹם / hai'yom) from~UPON (מֵעַל / mey'al) FACE~s (פְּנֵי / pê'ney) the~GROUND (הָאֲדָמָה / ha'a'da'mah) and~from~FACE~s~you(ms) (וּמִפָּנֶיךָ / u'mi'pa'ney'kha) I~will~be~HIDE(V) (אֶסָּתֵר / e'sa'teyr) and~I~did~EXIST(V) (וְהָיִיתִי / wê'hai'yi'ti) STAGGER(V)~ing(ms) (נָע / na) and~NOD(V)~ing(ms) (וָנָד / wa'nad) in~the~LAND (בָּאָרֶץ / ba'a'rets) and~he~did~EXIST(V) (וְהָיָה / wê'hai'yah) ALL (כָל / khol) FIND(V)~ing(ms)~me (מֹצְאִי / mots'i) he~will~KILL(V)~me (יַהַרְגֵנִי / ya'har'gey'ni)

RMT: Though you cast me out today from upon the face of the ground, and I will be hidden from your face, but I will exist in the land staggering and nodding, and it will come to pass, all the ones finding me will kill me,

15 and~he~will~SAY(V) (וַיֹּאמֶר / wai'yo'mer) to~~him (לוֹ / lo) YHWH (יְהוָה / YHWH) to~SO (לָכֵן / la'kheyn) ALL (כָּל / kol) KILL(V)~ing(ms) (הֹרֵג / ho'reyg) Qayin (קַיִן / qa'yin) SEVENTH.TIME~s2 (שִׁבְעָתַיִם / shiv'a'ta'yim) he~will~be~make~AVENGE(V) (יֻקָּם / yu'qam) and~he~will~PLACE(V) (וַיָּשֶׂם / wai'ya'sem) YHWH (יְהוָה / YHWH) to~Qayin (לְקַיִן / lê'qa'yin) SIGN (אוֹת / ot) to~EXCEPT (לְבִלְתִּי / lê'vil'ti) >~make~HIT(V) (הַכּוֹת / ha'kot) AT~him (אֹתוֹ / o'to) ALL (כָּל / kol) FIND(V)~ing(ms)~him (מֹצְאוֹ / mots'o)

RMT: and YHWH said to him, because of this, all the ones killing Qayin will be avenged sevenfold, and YHWH placed for Qayin a sign for all the ones finding him to not attack him,

16 and~he~will~GO.OUT(V) (וַיֵּצֵא / wai'yey'tsey) Qayin (קַיִן / qa'yin) from~to~FACE~s (מִלִּפְנֵי / mi'liph'ney) YHWH (יְהוָה / YHWH) and~he~will~SETTLE(V) (וַיֵּשֶׁב / wai'yey'shev) in~LAND (בְּאֶרֶץ / bê'e'rets) Nod (נוֹד / nod) EASTWARD (קִדְמַת / qid'mat) Eden (עֵדֶן / ey'den)

RMT: and Qayin went out from before the face of YHWH, and he settled in the land of Nod, eastward of Eden,

17 and~he~will~KNOW(V) (וַיֵּדַע / wai'yey'da) Qayin (קַיִן / qa'yin) AT (אֶת / et) WOMAN~him (אִשְׁתּוֹ / ish'to) and~she~will~CONCEIVE(V) (וַתַּהַר / wa'ta'har) and~she~will~BRING.FORTH(V) (וַתֵּלֶד / wa'tey'led) AT (אֶת / et) Hhanokh (חֲנוֹךְ / hha'nokh) and~he~will~EXIST(V) (וַיְהִי / wai'hi) BUILD(V)~ing(ms) (בֹּנֶה / bo'neh) CITY (עִיר / ir) and~he~will~CALL.OUT(V) (וַיִּקְרָא / wai'yiq'ra) TITLE (שֵׁם / sheym) the~CITY (הָעִיר / ha'ir) like~TITLE (כְּשֵׁם / kê'sheym) SON~him (בְּנוֹ / bê'no) Hhanokh (חֲנוֹךְ / hha'nokh)

RMT: and Qayin knew his woman and she conceived and she brought forth Hhanokh, and he existed as a builder of a city[36], and called out the title of the city Hhanokh, like the title of his son,

18 and~he~will~be~BRING.FORTH(V) (וַיִּוָּלֵד / wai'yi'wa'leyd) to~Hhanokh (לַחֲנוֹךְ / la'hha'nokh) AT (אֶת / et) Irad (עִירָד / i'rad) and~Irad (וְעִירָד / wê'i'rad) he~did~BRING.FORTH(V) (יָלַד / ya'lad) AT (אֶת / et) Mehhuya'el (מְחוּיָאֵל / mê'hhu'ya'eyl) and~Mehhuya'el (וּמְחִיָּיאֵל / um'hhi'yai'eyl) he~did~BRING.FORTH(V) (יָלַד / ya'lad) AT (אֶת / et) Metusha'el (מְתוּשָׁאֵל / mê'tu'sha'eyl) and~Metusha'el (וּמְתוּשָׁאֵל / um'tu'sha'eyl) he~did~BRING.FORTH(V) (יָלַד / ya'lad) AT (אֶת / et) Lamekh (לָמֶךְ / la'mekh)

RMT: and Irad was brought forth to Hhanokh, and Irad had brought forth Mehhuya'el and Mehhuya'el had brought forth Metusha'el and Metusha'el had brought forth Lamekh,

19 and~he~will~TAKE(V) (וַיִּקַּח / wai'yi'qahh) to~~him (לוֹ / lo) Lamekh (לֶמֶךְ / le'mekh) TWO (שְׁתֵּי / shê'tey) WOMAN~s (נָשִׁים / na'shim) TITLE (שֵׁם / sheym) the~UNIT (הָאַחַת / ha'a'hhat) Adah (עָדָה / a'dah) and~TITLE (וְשֵׁם / wê'sheym) the~SECOND (הַשֵּׁנִית / ha'shey'nit) Tsilah (צִלָּה / tsi'lah)

RMT: and Lamekh took for himself two women, the title of the one is Adah and the title of the second is Tsilah,

20 and~she~will~BRING.FORTH(V) (וַתֵּלֶד / wa'tey'led) Adah (עָדָה / a'dah) AT (אֶת / et) Yaval (יָבָל / ya'val) HE (הוּא / hu) he~did~EXIST(V) (הָיָה / hai'yah) FATHER~of (אֲבִי / a'vi) SETTLE(V)~ing(ms) (יֹשֵׁב / yo'sheyv) TENT (אֹהֶל / o'hel) and~LIVESTOCK (וּמִקְנֶה / u'miq'neh)

RMT: and Adah brought forth Yaval, he existed as the father[37] of tent and livestock settlers[38],

21 and~TITLE (וְשֵׁם / wê'sheym) BROTHER~him (אָחִיו / a'hhiw) Yuval (יוּבָל / yu'val) HE (הוּא / hu) he~did~EXIST(V) (הָיָה / hai'yah) FATHER~of (אֲבִי / a'vi) ALL (כָּל / kol) SEIZE.HOLD(V)~ing(ms) (תֹּפֵשׂ / to'pheys) HARP (כִּנּוֹר / ki'nor) and~REED.PIPE (וְעוּגָב / wê'u'gav)

RMT: and the title of his brother is Yuval, he existed as the father of all the ones seizing hold[39] of the harp and reed-pipe,

22 and~Tsilah (וְצִלָּה / wê'tsi'lah) ALSO (גַם / gam) SHE (הִוא / hi) she~did~BRING.FORTH(V) (יָלְדָה / yal'dah) AT (אֶת / et) Tuval-Qayin (תּוּבַל־קַיִן / tu'val-qa'yin) SHARPEN(V)~ing(ms) (לֹטֵשׁ / lo'teysh) ALL (כָּל / kol) CRAFTSMAN (חֹרֵשׁ / hho'reysh) COPPER (נְחֹשֶׁת / nê'hho'shet) and~IRON (וּבַרְזֶל / u'var'zel) and~SISTER (וַאֲחוֹת / wa'a'hhot) Tuval-Qayin (תּוּבַל־קַיִן / tu'val-qa'yin) Na'amah (נַעֲמָה / na'a'mah)

RMT: and Tsilah also had brought forth Tuval-Qayin, a sharpener[40] of all the craftsmen of copper and iron, and the sister of Tuval-Qayin is Na'amah,

23 and~he~will~SAY(V) (וַיֹּאמֶר / wai'yo'mer) Lamekh (לֶמֶךְ / le'mekh) to~WOMAN~s~him (לְנָשָׁיו / lê'na'shaw) Adah (עָדָה / a'dah) and~Tsilah (וְצִלָּה / wê'tsi'lah) !(fp)~HEAR(V) (שְׁמַעַן / shê'ma'an) VOICE~me (קוֹלִי / qo'li) WOMAN~s (נְשֵׁי / nê'shey) Lamekh (לֶמֶךְ / le'mekh) !(fp)~make~WEIGH.OUT(V) (הַאְזֵנָּה / ha'zey'nah) SPEECH~me (אִמְרָתִי / im'ra'ti) GIVEN.THAT (כִּי / ki) MAN (אִישׁ / ish) I~did~KILL(V) (הָרַגְתִּי / ha'rag'ti) to~WOUND~me (לְפִצְעִי / lê'phits'i) and~BOY (וְיֶלֶד / wê'ye'led) to~STRIPED.BRUISE~me (לְחַבֻּרָתִי / lê'hha'bu'ra'ti)

RMT: and Lamekh said to his women, Adah and Tsilah, hear my voice, women of Lamekh, pay attention to my speech, given that I killed a man for my wound and a boy for my striped bruise,

24 GIVEN.THAT (כִּי / ki) SEVENTH.TIME~s2 (שִׁבְעָתַיִם / shiv'a'ta'yim) he~will~be~make~AVENGE(V) (יֻקַּם / yu'qam) Qayin (קָיִן / qa'yin) and~Lamekh (וְלֶמֶךְ / wê'le'mekh) SEVEN~s (שִׁבְעִים / shiv'im) and~SEVEN (וְשִׁבְעָה / wê'shiv'ah)

RMT: given that Qayin will be avenged sevenfold, then Lamekh seventy and seven,

25 and~he~will~KNOW(V) (וַיֵּדַע / wai'yey'da) HUMAN (אָדָם / a'dam) YET.AGAIN (עוֹד / od) AT (אֶת / et) WOMAN~him (אִשְׁתּוֹ / ish'to) and~she~will~BRING.FORTH(V) (וַתֵּלֶד / wa'tey'led) SON (בֵּן / beyn) and~she~will~CALL.OUT(V) (וַתִּקְרָא / wa'tiq'ra) AT (אֶת / et) TITLE~him (שְׁמוֹ / shê'mo) Shet (שֵׁת / sheyt) GIVEN.THAT (כִּי / ki) he~did~SET.DOWN(V) (שָׁת / shat) to~~me (לִי / li) Elohiym (אֱלֹהִים / e'lo'him) SEED (זֶרַע / ze'ra) OTHER (אַחֵר / a'hheyr) UNDER (תַּחַת / ta'hhat) Hevel (הֶבֶל / he'vel) GIVEN.THAT (כִּי / ki) he~did~KILL(V)~him (הֲרָגוֹ / ha'ra'go) Qayin (קָיִן / qa'yin)

RMT: and the human knew yet again his woman and she brought forth a son, and she called out his title Shet, given that Elohiym set down for me another seed in place of Hevel, given that Qayin killed him,

26 and~to~Shet (וּלְשֵׁת / ul'sheyt) ALSO (גַּם / gam) HE (הוּא / hu) BRING.FORTH(V)~ed(ms) (יֻלַּד / yu'lad) SON (בֵּן / beyn) and~he~will~CALL.OUT(V) (וַיִּקְרָא / wai'yiq'ra) AT (אֶת / et) TITLE~him (שְׁמוֹ / shê'mo) Enosh (אֱנוֹשׁ / e'nosh) AT.THAT.TIME (אָז / az) he~did~be~make~DRILL(V) (הוּחַל / hu'hhal) to~>~CALL.OUT(V) (לִקְרֹא / liq'ro) in~TITLE (בְּשֵׁם / bê'sheym) YHWH (יְהוָה / YHWH)

RMT: and to Shet also, he brought forth a son, and he called out his title[41] Enosh, at that time he began to call out in the title of YHWH.

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