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Fixes | Conjugations | Names | Gain(V): (יעל / y.ah.l) To profit or benefit. Strong's: #3276 GALBANUM: (fem.: חלבנה / hhel'be'nah) An odoriferous resin used in incense. A choice ingredient used in the Temple incense or oil. Strong's: #2464 GALL: (fem.: מרורה / ma'ro'rah) The bitter fluids of a serpent. Strong's: #4846 GAME: (masc.: צייד / tsa'yid) Animals being pursued or taken in hunting. The produce of the hunt. Strong's: #6718 GARDEN: (גן / gan) A plot of ground where crops are grown. A place for growing crops, and often surrounded by a rock wall or hedge to protect it from grazing animals. Strong's: #1588 GARLIC: (masc.: שום / shum) From its strong odor. Strong's: #7762 GARMENT: (masc.: בגד / be'ged) An article of clothing for covering. Strong's: #0899 GATE: (masc.: שער / sha'ar) The opening in a wall or fence through which livestock or people pass. Can be the gatekeeper. Strong's: #8179 GATHER(V): (אסף / a.s.p) To bring together; to accumulate and place in readiness. Strong's: #0622 GATHER.FOOD(V): (אגר / a.g.r) To bring together a nourishing substance that is eaten or drunk. Strong's: #0103 GATHER.TOGETHER(V): (קבץ / q.b.ts) To come or bring into a group, mass or unit. Strong's: #6908, #6910 GATHERED.UP: (masc.: לק / laq) Strong's: [Found in names only] GATHERING: (masc.: אסיף / a'siph) That which has been brought together. [. Strong's: #0614 GAZELLE: (masc.: צבי / ts'viy) (fem.: צביה / ts'viy'ah) A small antelope. Strong's: #6643, #6646 GENERATION: (masc.: דור / dor) A body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor. Strong's: #1755 GENITALS: (masc.: מבוש / ma'vush) The sexual organs. Strong's: #4016 GENTLE: (masc.: ענו / עניו / a'naw) A characterstic trait of being meek or humble. Strong's: #6035 GERAH: (fem.: גרה / ge'rah) A dry weight measure equal to a 20th part of a shekel. Strong's: #1626 GIER-EAGLE: (masc.: רחם / ra'hham) (fem.: רחם / ra'hha'mah) An unknown species of bird, possibly a type of carrion. Strong's: #7360 GIFT: (masc.: מתן / ma'ten) To endow with some power, quality, or attribute; the act, power or right of giving. What is given. Strong's: #4976 GIFT.OFFERING: (masc.: הב / hav) A present. Strong's: [Found in names only] GIRD(V): (אפד / a.p.d) To pull in closely to the body. To wrap around. To tie on the ephod. Strong's: #0640 GIRD.UP(V): (חגר / hh.g.r) To bind the loose portions of clothing into a belt or sash to prepare to go to war; to be bound with arms for war. Strong's: #2296 GIRL: (fem.: ילדה / yal'dah) A young, unmarried woman. Strong's: #3207 GIVE(V): (נתן / n.t.n) To make a present; to present a gift; to grant, allow or bestow by formal action. To place in its proper position. Alternate Translations: allow; made; make; place. Strong's: #5414 GIVE.A.TENTH(V): (עשר / ah.s.r) To tithe; a tenth part of something given voluntarily for the support of a religious establishment. Strong's: #6237 GIVE.ADVICE(V): (יעץ / y.ah.ts) To assist another by providing wise counsel. Strong's: #3289 GIVE.HONOR(V): (הדר / h.d.r) To ascribe size or majesty to someone or something that is large in stature or position. To puff up. Strong's: #1921 GIVE.MILK(V): (עול / ah.w.l) To provide nourishment to the young by the female. Strong's: #5763 GIVEN.THAT: (כי / ki) Prone or disposed to according to what preceded. A reference to the previous or following context. Alternate Translations: because; but; even; given; if; that; there; when; even though (when attached to the word "WHICH"); except, instead or unless (when followed by the word "IF"); since (when followed by the word "SO"). Strong's: #3588 GLEANINGS: (masc.: לקט / le'qet) Strong's: #3951 GLIMMER: (masc.: להב / la'hav) The flash of light from a fire or metal. Strong's: #3851 GLIMMERING: (fem.: להבה / להבת / לבה / leh'ha'vah / le'he'vet / lab'bah) The flash of light from a fire or metal. Strong's: #3827, #3852 GLISTENING: (fem.: צוהר / tso'har) Emitting or reflecting light. From the glisten of olive oil. Something that shines brightly. Also, noon as the brightest part of the day. Alternate Translations: noontime (when in the double plural form). Strong's: #6672 GLORIOUS.REST: (masc.: פענח / pa'nahh) Strong's: [Found in names only] GLUTTON(V): (זלל / z.l.l) A person with a remarkably great desire or capacity for something. Strong's: #2151 GNAT: (masc.: כן / keyn) A small flying insect. Strong's: #3654 GNAW(V): (גרם / g.r.m) To chew on something hard such as a bone. Strong's: #1633 GNAWED: (masc.: ערק / a'raq) Strong's: [Found in names only] GO(V): (שוט / sh.w.t) To go back an forth as a whip. Strong's: #7751 GO.ABOUT: (masc.: סבתה / sav;tag) Strong's: [Found in names only] GO.AROUND(V): (סבב / s.b.b) To circle completely around something. Alternate Translations: enclosed in (when written in the hophal [passive causative] form). Strong's: #5437 GO.ASIDE(V): (שטה / s.t.h) To turn aside or away. Strong's: #7847 GO.ASTRAY(V): (שגה / sh.g.h) To wander away from the desired path; to make an error. Strong's: #7686 GO.DOWN(V): (ירד / y.r.d) To go or come lower from a higher place. Alternate Translations: come down; bring down (when written in the hiphil [active causative] form). Strong's: #3381 GO.OUT(V): (יצא / y.ts.a) To go, come or issue forth. Alternate Translations: bring out (when written in the hiphil [active causative] form). Strong's: #3318 GO.RIGHT(V): (ימן / אמן / y.m.n / a.m.n) To choose, turn or go to the right hand. Strong's: #0541, #3231 GO.UP(V): (עלה / ah.l.h) To go, come or bring higher. Alternate Translations: bring up (when written in the hiphil [active causative] form). Strong's: #5927 GOBLET: (masc.: אגן / a'nan) A cup for containing liquids. Strong's: #0101 GOING.OUT: (masc.: מוצא / mo'tsa) Coming or issuing out, such as a spring or words from the mouth. Strong's: #4161 GOINGS: (fem.: תוצאה / to'tsa'ah) Strong's: #8444 GOLD: (masc.: זהב / za'hav) A malleable yellow metallic element that is used especially in coins, jewelry, and dentures. A precious metal. Strong's: #2091 GOODS: (masc.: רכוש / re'khush) Something that has economic utility or satisfies an economic want; personal property having intrinsic value but usually excluding money, securities and negotiable instruments. Strong's: #7399 GOPHER: (masc.: גופר / go'pher) A tree or its wood of an unknown species. Strong's: #1613 GORE(V): (נגח / n.g.hh) To stab with the horns. Strong's: #5055 GORER: (masc.: נגח / na'gahh) An ox that is known to gore with the horns. Strong's: #5056 GOVERNOR: (masc.: שליט / sha'lit) An official elected or appointed to act as ruler, chief executive, or nominal head of a political unit. One who has dominion over another; also a rule or law as a master. Strong's: #7989 GRAIN: (masc.: בר / bar) A seed or fruit of a cereal grass. The grain and the field as a place for growing grain. Strong's: #1250 GRAIN.FLOUR: (masc.: קמח / qe'mahh) Usually finely ground seeds of wheat. Strong's: #7058 GRAIN.SACK: (fem.: אמתחת / am'ta'hhat) A usually flexible container that may be closed for holding, storing, or carrying something; e.g. The mouth is spread apart to put something in or take something out. Strong's: #0572 GRAIN.SEEDS: (masc.: שבר / she'ver) A family of grasses used for food. Strong's: #7668 GRAIN.STALK: (fem.: קמה / qa'mah) The tall stem of cereal crops. Strong's: #7054 GRAPE: (masc.: ענב / ey'nav) A smooth-skinned juicy greenish white to deep red or purple berry grown on a vine and eaten dried or fresh as a fruit or fermented to produce wine. Strong's: #6025 GRAPE.SKIN: (masc.: זג / gaz) The skin of the berry or fruit that grows in clusters on vines of the genus Vitis. Strong's: #2085 GRAPEVINE: (masc.: גפן / ge'phen) A woody vine that usually climbs by tendrils and produces fruits that are grapes. Strong's: #1612 GRAPPLE(V): (אבק / a.b.q) A hand-to-hand struggle. Rolling around in the dust when wrestling. Strong's: #0079 GRASP: (masc.: חוזק / hho'zeq) A firm hold or grip. Strong's: #2392 GRASP(V): (קמץ / q.m.ts) To grab with the hands, to grab a handful. Strong's: #7061 GRASS: (masc.: דשא / de'she) Herbage suitable or used for grazing animals. Young green sprouts. Strong's: #1877 GRASSHOPPER: (masc.: חגב / hha'gav) A species of insect with hind legs used for leaping and mouthparts that chew. Strong's: #2284 GRASSLAND: (masc.: מקהל / maq'heyl) (fem.: מקהלה / ma'qah'lah) The pasture or meadow where the flock gathers for feeding. Strong's: #4721 GRATE: (masc.: מכבר / mikh'bar) An agricultural device, like a sieve, used to separate the grain form the stem. Strong's: #4345 GRAVE: (masc.: קבר / qe'ver) An excavation for the burial of a body. Strong's: #6913 GRAY: (masc.: קדר / qa'dar) Strong's: [Found in names only] GRAY-HEADED: (fem.: שיבה / si'vah) One who has gray hair from old age; an old man. Strong's: #7872 GREAT: (masc.: גדול / ga'dol) (fem.: גדולה / ge'do'lah) Something with increased size, power or authority. Strong's: #1419 GREAT.AMOUNT: (fem.: תרבות / tar'but) Strong's: #8635 GREAT.HOUSE: (masc.: פרעוה / par'o) A word of Egyptian origins. Strong's: [Found in names only] GREAT.NUMBER: (fem.: מרבית / mar'biyt) Strong's: #4768 GREAT.TREE: (masc.: אילון / ey'lon) A tree made of very dense, hard, wood. Strong's: #0436, #0437 GREEN: (masc.: ירק / ye'req) A color somewhat less yellow than that of fresh growing grass and of that part of the spectrum between blue and yellow. The color of grasses and herbs as thin. Strong's: #3418, #3419 GREEN.GRAIN: (masc.: אביב / a'viv) Fresh young stalks of standing grain. Also, the name of a month in the Hebrew calendar. Strong's: #0024 GREENISH: (masc.: ירקרק / y'raq'raq) Strong's: #3422 GRIEF: (fem.: מורה / mo'rah) Deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement. As an exchange. Strong's: #4786 GRIND(V): (טחן / t.hh.n) To reduce to fine particles through abrasion. Strong's: #2912 GROANING: (fem.: נאקה / ne'a'qah) To voice a deep, inarticulate sound, as of pain, grief, or displeasure. Strong's: #5009 GROPE(V): (משש / m.sh.sh) To feel about blindly or uncertainly in search of something. A groping around in the darkness to find something. Strong's: #4184, #4959 GROUND: (fem.: אדמה / a'da'mah) The surface of the earth. From its reddish color. Strong's: #0127 GROUND.TO.PIECES(V): (דוק / d.w.q) Something that is reduced to fragments. Strong's: #1743 GROUSE: (fem.: דוכיפת / du'khiy'phat) A species of unclean bird. Strong's: #1744 GROVE: (fem.: אשרה / a'shey'rah) An area of planted trees. Trees planted in a straight line. Strong's: #0842 GROW: (שבן / sh.b.n) Strong's: [Found in names only] GROW.FAT(V): (שמן / sh.m.n) To be fat or full of oil. Strong's: #8080 GUARD: (masc.: שימרון / shiy'ma'ron) Strong's: [Found in names only] GUIDE(V): (נחה / n.hh.h) One who leads or directs another in his way. Strong's: #5148 GUILT: (masc.: אשם / a'sham) The fact of having committed a breach of conduct especially violating law and involving a penalty; the state of one who has committed an offense, especially consciously. Strong's: #0817, #0818 GUILTINESS: (fem.: אשמה / ash'mah) Strong's: #0819 GULP(V): (שתה / sh.t.h) To drink plentifully; to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one swallow. Strong's: #8354 GUST(V): (נשב / n.sh.b) A sudden brief rush of wind. The strong blowing of a wind. The wind of a bird's wing when taking flight. Strong's: #5380 GUZZLE(V): (גמא / g.m.a) To drink greedily, continually, or habitually. A drinking of water as from a pond. Strong's: #1572 |