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Fixes | Conjugations | Names | FACE: (masc.: פנה / pa'neh) The anterior part of the human head; outward appearance. One present, in the sense of being in the face of another. Often used in the context of being before or in front of. (Always written in the plural form, but usually used as a singular noun) Alternate Translations: before; within (when suffixed with "~unto"). Strong's: #3942, #6440 FACE.TOWARD(V): (קדם / q.d.m) To face another or meet face to face; to go before someone or something in space or time. Strong's: #6923 FADE(V): (נבל / n.b.l) To degrade a person, action or object. To droop or pass away. To wither away as a leaf. To wear out of strength. To act unproductively. Strong's: #5034 FAIL(V): (חטא / hh.t.a) To miss the target, whether a literal target or a goal that is aimed for. Alternate Translations: purge; bear the blame or purify (when written in the piel [active intensive] form); purify self (when written in the hitpa'el [reflexive] form). Strong's: #2398 FAILING: (masc.: כליון / kiyl'la'yon) A complete destruction or inability to perform an action. Strong's: #3631 FAILURE: (masc.: חטא / hha'ta) (fem.: חטאה / חטאת / hha'ta'a / hha'ta'at) An act or condition of ignorant or imprudent deviation from a code of behavior. Sin, in the sense of missing the target; a mistake. The sacrifice, which by transference, becomes the failure (sin). Strong's: #2399, #2400, #2401, #2403 FAINT: (masc.: מורך / mo'rekh) From a blow to the loins. Strong's: #4816 FAINT(V): (להה / l.h.h) Lacking courage and spirit; weak, dizzy and likely to pass out. Lacking distinctness. Strong's: #3856 FALCON: (masc.: נץ / nets) An unknown unclean bird. Strong's: #5322 FALL: (masc.: פל / pa'lal) Strong's: [Found in names only] FALL(V): (נפל / n.p.l) To leave an erect position suddenly and involuntarily; to descend freely by the force of gravity. Alternate Translations: throw self (when written in the hitpa'el [reflexive] form). Strong's: #5307 FALL.UPON(V): (שוף / sh.w.p) To suddenly and forcefully crash upon someone or something. Strong's: #|9 FALLEN.GRAPE: (masc.: פרט / pe'ret) As broken from the plant and scattered on the ground. Strong's: #6528 FALSE: (masc.: שקר / she'qer) A deliberate lie. An expression of a non-truth. Strong's: #8267 FALSENESS: (שוא / shu-a) Words or actions that are not true or are empty. A Deception. Lacking value and content. Strong's: #7723 FAMILY.IDOL: (masc.: תרף / te'raph) A household idol of a god, possibly believed to have a healing power. Strong's: #8655 FAMINE: (masc.: רעבון / ra'a'von) An extreme scarcity of food. Strong's: #7459 FAR.BE.IT: (fem.: חלילה / hha'li'lah) Something least likely to happen. Strong's: #2486 FAR.END: (masc.: אפס / ey'phes) The concluding part of an area or extremity. Also, used for the conclusion of a thought; finally, however, but. Alternate Translations: in the end. Strong's: #0657 FASTEN(V): (צמד / ts.m.d) To be joined to another as in a yoke. Strong's: #6775 FASTENER: (masc.: דבק / da'vaq) An item for joining items together. Strong's: #1694, #1695 FAT: (masc.: חלב / hhe'lev) Animal tissue consisting of cells distended with greasy or oily matter; adipose tissue. The fat of an animal as the choicest part. Also, milk; A white fatty liquid secreted by cows, sheep and goats, and used for food or as a source of butter, cheeses, yogurt, etc. Alternate Translations: milk. Strong's: #2459, #2461 FATHER: (masc.: אב / av) A man who has begotten a child. The provider and support to the household. The ancestor of a family line. The patron of a profession or art. Strong's: #0001 FATHER-IN-LAW: (masc.: חם / hham) The father of ones wife or husband, father-in-law. Strong's: #2524 FATNESS: (masc.: דשן / da'shan) An abundance of fat, food or ashes. Strong's: #1879, #1880 FATTENING: (fem.: ריבקה / riyv'qah) Strong's: [Found in names only] FAVORED: (masc.: מהיטב / ya'tav) Strong's: [Found in names only] FEAR(V): (ירא / y.r.a) To be afraid of; to have a strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; the flowing, or quivering, of the gut from fear or awe; to dread what is terrible or revere what is respected. Strong's: #3372 FEARFUL: (masc.: ירא / ya'rey) Having great respect; being in a state of awe or fear. Strong's: #3373 FEARFULNESS: (fem.: יראה / yi'rah) A great respect; a state of awe or fear. Strong's: #3374 FEARING: (masc.: מורא / mo'ra) To be in awe, a state of fear or apprehensive. Strong's: #4172 FEAST: (masc.: חג / hhag) A commemoration of a special event with dancing, rejoicing, and sharing of food. A ceremony of joy and thanksgiving. A festival with a magnificent meal which is shared with a number of guests. Strong's: #2282 FEATHER: (fem.: אברה / ev'rah) The principle covering of birds. Strong's: #0084 FED.FAT: (masc.: בריא / ba'ri) A member of the livestock that has been fed grains to fatten it for the slaughter. Alternate Translations: fattening. Strong's: #1277 FEED(V): (רעה / r.ah.h) To give food to; to provide feed or pasture to the flock. Commonly used in the participle form meaning a "feeder" or "shepherd." Strong's: #7462 FEEDING.PLACE: (masc.: מרעה / mir'eh) A place of feeding or grazing. Strong's: #4829 FEEL(V): (מוש / m.w.sh) To handle or touch in order to examine, test or explore some quality. Reach out with the hand to touch. Strong's: #3237 FEMALE: (fem.: נקבה / na'qey'vah) An individual that bears children. Designed with a hollow or groove into which a corresponding male part fits, as with a hole. Strong's: #5347 FEMALE.OWNER: (fem.: גברת / ge've'ret) A female master overseeing slaves or servants. Strong's: #1404 FENCE: (masc.: גדר / g'der) (fem.: גדרה / g'dey'rah) A wall for enclosing in livestock or garden. Strong's: #1444, #1447, #1448 FENCE.AROUND(V): (שכך/סכך / s.k.k) To surround with a wall of protection or covering. To encompass completely. Strong's: #5526 FENCE.IN(V): (בצר / b.ts.r) A barrier intended to protect, prevent escape or intrusion, or to mark a boundary; to gather together and confine for protection. Strong's: #1219 FERRET: (fem.: אנקה / a'na'qah) An unclean animal of unknown species. Probably a mammal whose sound is like a cry. Strong's: #0604 FEVER: (fem.: קדחת / qa'da'hhat) Strong's: #6920 FEW: (masc.: מצער / מזער / miz'ar / mits'ar) Small in number. Strong's: #4213, #4705 FIELD: (masc.: שדה / sa'deh) An open land area free of trees and buildings. A level plot of ground. Strong's: #7704 FIFTH: (masc.: חמישי / hha'mi'shi) An ordinal number. Strong's: #2549 FIFTH.PART: (masc.: חומש / hho'mesh) A fifth portion of five equal amounts. Strong's: #2569, #2570 FIG: (fem.: תאן / te'eyn) An oblong or pear-shaped fruit from a tree of the fichus genus. Strong's: #8384 FIGHT(V): (לחם / l.hh.m) To make war; to battle as to destruction; to attempt to defeat, subdue, or destroy an enemy by blows or weapons. Alternate Translations: wage war (when written in the niphil [passive] form). Strong's: #3898 FIGHTING: (masc.: כדר / ka'dar) Strong's: [Found in names only] FIGURE: (masc.: סמל / se'mel) Strong's: #5566 FILL(V): (מלא / m.l.a) To occupy to the full capacity. Alternate Translations: fulfill; fully; set (the setting of stone). Strong's: #4390 FILLING: (masc.: מלו / me'lo) An act or instance of filling; something used to fill a cavity, container, or depression. Strong's: #4393 FILTHINESS: (masc.: שיקוץ / shiy'quts) A dirty, shameful, or detestable action, object or condition. Often used in the context of idols. Strong's: #8251 FILTHY: (masc.: שקץ / she'qets) Strong's: #8263 FIN: (masc.: סנפיר / s'na'piyr) The fins of a fish. Strong's: #5579 FIND(V): (מצא / m.ts.a) To come upon, often accidentally; to meet with; to discover and secure through searching. Alternate Translations: reveal (when written in the hiphil [active causative] form). Strong's: #4672 FINE(V): (ענש / ah.n.sh) A financial penalty made for an offense or damages. Strong's: #6064 FINGER: (fem.: אצבע / ets'ba) The extension of the hand. Can be used to point. Strong's: #0676 FINGER.SPAN: (fem.: זרת / ze'ret) The width of the fingers, often used as a measurement. Strong's: #2239 FINISH(V): (כלה / k.l.h) To bring to an end; terminate; to complete an action, event. Alternate Translations: bring to an end. Strong's: #3615 FIRE: (fem.: אש / eysh) The phenomenon of combustion manifested by heat, light and flame. Strong's: #0784 FIRE.OFFERING: (masc.: אישה / i'sheh) A sacrifice that is placed in a fire as an offering. Strong's: #0801 FIRE.PAN: (fem.: מחתה / mahh'tah) A tray for carrying hot coals. Strong's: #4289 FIRMLY.PRESSED: (fem.: מעכה / ma'a'kah) Strong's: [Found in names only] FIRST: (masc.: ריאשון / ri'shon) The head of a time or position. Strong's: #7223 FIRST.RAIN: (masc.: יורה / yo'reh) Strong's: #3138 FIRST.TIME: (fem.: תחילה / te'hhiy'lah) The point of time or space at which anything begins. Strong's: #8462 FIRSTBORN: (masc.: בכור / be'khor) The first offspring, usually a son, of a man or animal; the prominent one. Strong's: #1060 FIRSTBORN.FEMALE: (fem.: בכירה / be'khi'rah) The daughter that is born first; the prominent one. Strong's: #1067 FIRST-FRUIT: (masc.: ביכור / bi'khor) The first gathered fruits of a harvest; the first results of an undertaking. Strong's: #1061 FISH: (masc.: דג / דאג / dag) (fem.: דגה / da'gah) An aquatic animal. Only fish with scales and fins are considered fit for food (clean). Strong's: #1709, #1710 FISSURE: (fem.: נקרה / nik'rah) A division, causing to become two pieces instead of one. A cleft or narrow chasm. Strong's: #5366 FIST: (masc.: אגרוף / eg'roph) Clenched fingers into the palm of the hand. Strong's: #0106 FIVE: (masc.: חמשה / hha'mi'shah) (fem.: חמש / hha'meysh) A cardinal number, from the number of fingers on a hand. Alternate Translations: fifty (when written in the plural). Strong's: #2568, #2572 FLAKE.OFF(V): (חספס / hh.s.p.s) To scale off particles from an object. Strong's: #2636 FLAME.OF.FIRE: (masc.: פילדש / piyl'dash) Strong's: [Found in names only] FLAMING: (masc.: חרי / hha'ri) A visible fire, usually used in the sense of a fierce anger. Strong's: #2750 FLAMING.WRATH: (masc.: חרון / hha'ron) A fierce anger. Strong's: #2740 FLANK: (fem.: ירכה / yar'khah) The hollow of the loins between the legs. Strong's: #3411 FLAPPING.WING: (masc.: ממרא / mam'ra) Strong's: [Found in names only] FLARE.UP(V): (חרה / hh.r.h) To become suddenly excited or angry; to break out suddenly. Burn with a fierce anger. Strong's: #2734 FLASH: (masc.: ברק / ba'raq) The bright light shining off the edge of a sword. The bright light of lightning. Strong's: #1300 FLAT: (masc.: ריקוע / riy'qu'a) As hammered out flat. Strong's: #7555 FLAVOR: (masc.: טעם / ta'am) The taste of a food or the perception of a person's behavior. Strong's: #2940 FLAX: (fem.: פשתה / pish'teh) A plant in which its fibers are used in manufacturing articles of clothing. Also, used to make wicks, cords, and bands. Linseed, linseed oil, and oilcake are useful products of the same plant. Strong's: #6593, #6594 FLEE(V): (נוס / n.w.s) To run away, often from danger or evil; to hurry toward a place of safety; to flee to any safe place such as a city or mountain. Strong's: #5127 FLEE.AWAY(V): (ברח / b.r.hh) To run away from. Alternate Translations: reach (when written in the hiphil [active causative] form). Strong's: #1272 FLEECE: (masc.: גז / gaz) The coat of wool that covers a sheep or a similar animal. Also, the grasses that are sheared off with a sickle in harvest. Strong's: #1488 FLEEING: (fem.: מנוסה / m'nu'sah) Strong's: #4499 FLEET: (masc.: עירד / iy'rad) Strong's: [Found in names only] FLESH: (fem.: בשר / ba'sar) The soft parts of a human or animal, composed primarily of skeletal muscle. Skin and muscle or the whole of the person. Meat as food. Strong's: #1154, #1320 FLINT: (masc.: יהלום / ya'ha'lom) Possibly the flint, a form of quartz of a brown, gray or black color. Other possible translations are onyx and diamond. Strong's: #3095 FLOAT(V): (צוף / z.w.p) To rest or remain on the surface of a liquid; be buoyant. Also means "to flow." Strong's: #6687 FLOCKS: (masc.: צונה / tso'neh) (fem.: צון / צאון / tson) Groups of birds or animals assembled or herded together. Strong's: #6629, #6792 FLOOD: (masc.: מבול / ma'bul) To cover with an overwhelming quantity or volume of water. Strong's: #3999 FLOOR: (masc.: גורן / go'ren) The level base of a room, barn or threshing floor. Strong's: #1637 FLOUR: (fem.: סולת / so'let) Finely ground meal of grain used for making bread. Strong's: #5560 FLOURISHED: (masc.: נב / nav) Strong's: [Found in names only] FLOURISHING: (masc.: רען / ra'a'nan) A green plant bearing fruit. Also, prosperous. Strong's: #7488 FLOW(V): (נזל / n.z.l) To stream or gush a liquid substance. To run like water. Strong's: #5140 FLOW.OUT(V): (רור / r.w.r) Strong's: #7325 FLUSH(V): (שטף / sh.t.p) To flow over with copious amounts of water. Strong's: #7857 FLUTTER(V): (רחף / r.hh.p) To flap the wings rapidly. To move with quick wavering or flapping motions. Shake as a bird in the nest. Strong's: #7363 FLY(V): (עוף / ah.w.p) To move in or pass through the air with wings; to soar in the air. Strong's: #5774 FLYER: (masc.: עוף / oph) A flying creature such as a bird or insect. Strong's: #5775 FOLLOWING: (fem.: תשוקה / te'shu'qah) To go, proceed or come after. Being next in order or time. Subsequent to. As the river follows the path of its banks. Strong's: #8669 FOLLY: (fem.: נבלה / ne'va'lah) Lack of good sense or prudence and foresight. In the sense of fading away. Strong's: #5039 FOOD: (fem.: אכלה / akh'lah) Something that nourishes, sustains, or supplies. For giving sustenance and making one whole. Strong's: #0402 FOODSTUFF: (masc.: אוכל / o'khel) A substance that may be eaten for giving sustenance and making one whole. Strong's: #0400 FOOL: (masc.: נבל / na'val) A silly or stupid person. Strong's: #5036 FOOLISH(V): (יאל / y.a.l) To be without wisdom. Strong's: #2973 FOOT: (fem.: רגל / re'gel) The terminal part of the leg upon which the human, animal or object stands. Also, euphemistically for the leg. Alternate Translations: times (when in the plural form). Strong's: #7272 FOOTING: (masc.: אדן / e'den) Ground or basis for a firm foundation. That which sustains a stable position. Strong's: #0134 FOOTSTEP: (fem.: פעם / pa'am) A stroke of time as a rhythmic beating of time, one moment after the other. A moment in time. A foot or leg in the sense of stepping. Alternate Translations: foot; time; this time (when prefixed with "the~"). Strong's: #6471 FOR: (חלף / hhey'leph) An exchange for something else. Strong's: #2500 FORBID(V): (נוא / n.w.a) Strong's: #5106 FORCE: (masc.: חיל / hha'yil) The pressure exerted to make a piercing. Strong's: #2428 FORCEFUL: (masc.: חזק / hha'zaq) (fem.: חזקה / hha'za'qah) A strong grip on something to refrain or support. Driven with force. Acting with power. Strong's: #2389, #2390, #2391 FOREFRONT: (masc.: מול / mul) In front of or at the head of, in space or time. Alternate Translations: in place. Strong's: #4136 FOREHEAD: (masc.: מצח / mey'tsahh) The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Impudence, confidence, or assurance. The seat of boldness of speech and actions. Strong's: #4696 FOREIGN: (masc.: נכרי / na'khri) (fem.: נכריה / na'khri'yah) Situated outside one's own country. Alien in character. A strange person, place or thing as being unrecognized. Strong's: #5237 FOREIGNER: (masc.: נכר / ney'khar) A person belonging to or owing allegiance to a foreign country. Strong's: #5235, #5236 FORESKIN: (fem.: ערלה / ar'lah) A fold of skin that covers the end of the penis. Strong's: #6190 FOREST: (masc.: יער / ya'ar) A dark place dense with trees. Strong's: #3264, #3293 FORGET(V): (שכח / sh.k.hh) To lose remembrance of; to cease remembering or noticing. Strong's: #7911 FORGIVE(V): (סלח / s.l.hh) To pardon; to overlook an offense and treat the offender as not guilty. Strong's: #5545 FORK: (masc.: מזלג / maz'leyg) (fem.: מזלגה / miz'la'gah) An implement, or tool with multiple prongs or tines. Strong's: #4207 FORM: (masc.: תואר / to'ar) The outline of an individual. Strong's: #8389 FORTIFICATION: (masc.: מבצר / miv'tsar) A walled place of protection and confinement. Strong's: #4013 FORTIFIED: (masc.: כסלוח / kas'lo'ahh) Strong's: [Found in names only] FORTRESS.OF.ANU: (masc.: כלנה / kal'nah) Strong's: [Found in names only] FORTUNATE: (masc.: שון / shun) Strong's: [Found in names only] FORTUNE: (masc.: גד / gad) A store of material possessions. Strong's: #1409 FORTUNES: (masc.: גדגד / gid'gad) (fem.: גודגודה / gud'go'dah) Great wealth; ample stock of money, property, and the like. Strong's: [Found in names only] FOUL: (masc.: פיגול / pi'gul) Strong's: #6292 FOUNDATION: (masc.: מוסד / mu'sad) (fem.: מוסדה / mu'sa'dah) A supporting and level base of a building or structure which lies on or in the ground. Strong's: #4143, #4144, #4145, #4146 FOUNDED(V): (יסד / y.s.d) To lay a foundation of a house, place or plan; to establish, fix in place. Strong's: #3245 FOUNTAIN: (masc.: מקור / ma'qor) A spring that comes out of a hole in the ground. The source of water necessary for life in the wilderness. Strong's: #4726 FOUR: (masc.: ארבעה / ar'ba'ah) (fem.: ארבע / ar'ba) A cardinal number. Alternate Translations: forty (when written in the plural). Strong's: #0702, #0705 FOURTH: (masc.: רביעי / re'vi'i) An ordinal number. Strong's: #7243 FOURTH.GENERATION: (masc.: ריבע / ri'va) A great-great grandchild, as a descendant of the fourth generation. Strong's: #7256 FOURTH.PART: (masc.: רובע / ro'va) As fourth in the order. Strong's: #7255 FRAGILE: (masc.: פרנך / par'nakh) Strong's: [Found in names only] FRAGMENT: (fem.: פת / pat) A part broken off, detached, or incomplete. The removal of a piece resulting in a hole. Strong's: #6595 FRAGRANCE: (fem.: בסמת / bas'mat) The pleasing aroma of a sweet-smelling spice. Strong's: [Found in names only] FRAGRANT.ONE: (masc.: זיפרון / ziph'ron) A person who has a pleasant scent or aroma. Strong's: [Found in names only] FRAIL: (masc.: רפה / ra'pheh) Strong's: #7504 FRANKINCENSE: (fem.: לבונה / le'vo'nah) A resin or gum that is a residue from the bark of a particular ash or fir tree. Used as incense, perfume, or with an offering. Strong's: #3828 FREE: (masc.: חפשי / hhaph'shi) Released from bondage or burden of obligation. Emancipation. Strong's: #2670 FREE(V): (חפש / hh.p.sh) To be free from a master or obligation. Strong's: #2666 FREE.FLOWING: (fem.: דרור / de'ror) To flow without hindrances. Strong's: #1865 FREEDOM: (fem.: חופשה / hhuph'shah) Strong's: #2668 FREELY: (masc.: חינם / hhi'nam) Having no restrictions. A work or action that is performed without wages or without cause. Strong's: #2600 FREEWILL.OFFERING: (fem.: נדבה / ne'da'vah) A voluntary or spontaneous gift as an offering out of respect or devotion. Strong's: #5071 FRESH: (masc.: לשד / l'shad) Something that is fresh and moist. Strong's: #3955 FRESH.OIL: (masc.: יצהר / yits'har) Strong's: #3323 FRESH.WINE: (masc.: תירוש / ti'rosh) Newly pressed wine as a desired possession. Strong's: #8492 FRIEND: (fem.: רעות / re'ut) A female companion as one who is close. Strong's: #7468 FRINGE: (fem.: ציצית / tsi'tsit) A tassel or lock of hair as blossoms. Strong's: #6734 FROG: (fem.: צפרדע / tse'phar'dey'a) A four-legged amphibious animal. Strong's: #6854 FROM: (מן / מני / min / miney) A function word indicating a starting point or origin. (The short form "מ" is used as a prefix meaning "from") Alternate Translations: before (when prefixed with "to~"). Strong's: #4480 FRUIT.PRESS: (masc.: דמע / de'ma) The liquid that seeps out of the fruit and used in making oils and juices. Strong's: #1831 FRUITFUL: (fem.: ריבלה / riyv'lah) Bountiful of produce. (A noun of uncertain meaning). Strong's: [Found in names only] FRUITFULNESS: (masc.: פרת / pa'tar) Strong's: [Found in names only] FRY(V): (רבך / r.b.k) Strong's: #7246 FULL: (masc.: מלא / ma'ley) (fem.: מלאה / me'ley'ah) Containing as much or as many as is possible or normal. Strong's: #4392 FULL.AGE: (masc.: כלח / ke'lahh) Advanced in years. Strong's: #3624 FULL.STRENGTH: (masc.: תום / tom) Someone or something that is whole or complete. Full in power or force. One who is mature. Strong's: #8537 FUNCTIONAL: (masc.: טוב / tov) (fem.: טובה / to'vah) Fulfilling the action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used, or for which a thing exists. A functioning within its intended purpose. Strong's: #2896, #2898 FURNACE: (masc.: כיבשן / kiv'shan) An enclosed structure in which heat is produced by burning wood inside. Strong's: #3536 FURROW: (masc.: תלם / te'lem) A line scratched in the soil made by oxen while plowing a field. Strong's: #8525 FURTHER: (fem.: הלאה / hal'ah) At a distance beyond the present place or time. Alternate Translations: beyond (when prefixed with "from~"). Strong's: #1973 FURY: (fem.: חמה / hha'mah) Intense, disordered, and often destructive rage. An intense heat from anger. Strong's: #2534 |