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DAMAGE(V): (שחת / sh.hh.t) To bring to ruin by destruction; to destroy through disfigurement or corruption. Alternate Translations: destroy (when written in the hiphil [active causative] form). Strong's: #7843

DAMAGING: (masc.: משחית / mash'hhit) To completely destroy with force. To tear or bring down. Strong's: #4889

DANCE: (fem.: מחולה / me'hho'lah) Twisting, skipping, or leaping with joy. To rejoice in expression of thanksgiving for religious worship or festivity. Strong's: #4246

DANCING.AROUND: (masc.: גיל / giyl) A circle of rejoicing. Strong's: #1524

DARK: (fem.: חשכה / hha'shey'khah) Devoid or partially devoid of light; not receiving, reflecting, transmitting, producing or radiating light. As the darkness of a moonless night. Strong's: #2824, #2825

DARKEN(V): (חשך / hh.sh.k) To be deprived of light. To be dark as night. Strong's: #2821

DARKNESS: (masc.: חושך / hho'shekh) The state of being dark. As the darkness of a moonless night. Strong's: #2822

DASH.TO.PIECES(V): (רעץ / r.ah.ts) To shatter into pieces by force. Strong's: #7492

DATE.PALM: (masc.: תמר / ta'mar) The tree that produces the date. An erect tree as a pillar. Strong's: #8558

DAUB(V): (שיד / s.y.d) To cover or coat with plaster or mud. Strong's: #7874

DAUGHTER: (fem.: בת / bat) A female having the relation of a child to parent. A village that resides outside of the city walls; as "the daughter of the city." Strong's: #1323

DAUGHTER-IN-LAW: (fem.: כללה / kal'lah) The wife of one's son. Bride of the son, as brought into the camp. Strong's: #3618

DAWN: (masc.: שחר / sha'hhar) To begin to grow light as the sun rises in the east. The place of the rising sun. Strong's: #7837

DAY: (masc.: יום / yom) The time of light between one dusk and the next one. Usually in the context of daylight hours but may also refer to the entire day or even a season. Alternate Translations: today (when prefixed with "the~"); daily (when prefixed with "to ~the~", or when the word is doubled). Strong's: #3117

DAYTIME: (masc.: יומם / yo'mam) The time of the day when the sun is shining. Strong's: #3119

DEAD: (masc.: רפא / ra'pha) Strong's: #7496

DEAL.DECEITFULLY(V): (התל / h.t.l) To give as one's portion by a false impression. Strong's: #2048

DEAL.FALSELY(V): (שקר / sh.q.r) To lie, trick or cheat. Strong's: #8266

DEATH: (masc.: מות / mot) A permanent cessation of all vital functions; the end of life. Strong's: #4192, #4194

DECEIT: (fem.: מרמה / mir'mah) The act or practice of not being honest. Strong's: #4820

DECEIVE(V): (נשא / נשה / n.sh.a / n.sh.h) To cause to accept as true or valid; what is false or invalid; to trick. Also, to extort or to lend. Alternate Translations: lend. Strong's: #5377, #5378, #5383

DECIDE(V): (שפט / sh.p.t) To make a determination in a dispute or wrong doing; to judge. Strong's: #8199

DECISION: (masc.: משפט / mish'pat) A pronounced opinion. Strong's: #4941

DECLARE(V): (נאם / n.a.m) To make a formal proclamation. Often used for the words of God. Strong's: #5001, #5002

DECLINE: (רפך / r.p.k) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DECORATE(V): (פאר / p.a.r) To apply ornamentation to show distinguishment or distinction. To stand out; being seen in a good light. To boast, in the sense of decorating the self with words. Strong's: #6286

DECORATED: (masc.: פארן / pa'a'ron) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DECORATION: (fem.: תפארה / תפארת / tiph'a'rah / tiph'e'ret) Ornamentation that shows position, distinguishment or distinction. Strong's: #8597

DECORATIVE.BAND: (masc.: חשב / hhey'shev) An adornment with designs used to decorate or tie an article of clothing. Strong's: #2805

DEDICATE(V): (נזר / n.z.r) To set something apart for a special purpose. Strong's: #5144

DEDICATED: (masc.: נזיר / na'zir) Devoted to the worship of God. Strong's: #5139

DEDICATION: (masc.: נזר / ne'zer) The act of being set apart for a special purpose. Also, a crown of authority as a sign of dedication. Alternate Translations: crown. Strong's: #5145

DEED: (masc.: פועל / po'al) The work or task that is performed in order to produce something. Strong's: #6467

DEEP.BLACK: (masc.: אישון / iy'shon) The black of night or the pupil of the eye. Strong's: #0380

DEEP.BREATH: (masc.: נפיש / ne'phish) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DEEP.WATER: (fem.: תהום / te'hom) Extending far below some surface or area; in difficulty or distress; a deep and tumultuous water; a subterranean body of water. Strong's: #8415

DEER: (masc.: תחש / ta'hhash) An unknown species of clean animal, probably a species of deer or antelope. Strong's: #8476

DEFEAT: (fem.: חלושה / hha'lu'shah) Overcome or weakened by an outside force. Strong's: #2476

DEFENDER: (masc.: גון / gun) To ward off an attack on another. (A word of uncertain meaning). Strong's: [Found in names only]

DEFIANCE: (fem.: תנואה / t'nu'ah) Strong's: #8569

DEFORM(V): (קלט / q.l.t) To be physically deformed in some manner, which is usually hidden or covered. Strong's: #7038

DELAY(V): (אחר / a.hh.r) To stop, detain or hinder for a time. Strong's: #0309

DELICACY: (masc.: מטעם / mat'am) The quality or state of being luxurious. Flavorful meat. Strong's: #4303

DELICATE: (masc.: אכד / a'kad) Fragile; easily damaged; frail (A word of uncertain meaning). Strong's: [Found in names only]

DELIGHT: (masc.: חפץ / hhey'phets) A desired object or action. Strong's: #2655, #2656

DELIGHT(V): (חפץ / hh.p.ts) To desire something out of pleasure or necessity; to have a high degree of gratification. Strong's: #2654

DELIGHTFUL: (fem.: נעמה / na'a'mah) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DELIVER(V): (נצל / n.ts.l) To set free; to take and hand over to or leave for another. Strong's: #5337

DELIVER.UP(V): (מגן / m.g.n) To hand over to another. (A denominative verb ofמגן -a shield). Strong's: #4042

DENY(V): (כחש / k.hh.sh) To disclaim connection with or responsibility for. Withhold something from another or self as in a lie or submission. Alternate Translations: lie (when written in the piel [active intensive] form). Strong's: #3584

DEPART(V): (רשע / r.sh.ah) To go astray from the correct path and become lost; to act against a law or teaching as one who has gone astray. Alternate Translations: convict (when written in the hiphil [active causative] form). Strong's: #7561

DEPART.EARLY(V): (שכם / sh.k.m) Literally, to put a load on the shoulder to go away or leave early. Strong's: #7925

DEPOSIT: (fem.: מינחה / min'hhah) The act of making a gift or a free contribution. What is brought to another as a gift. Strong's: #4503

DEPOSIT(V): (ינח / y.n.hh) To place, especially for safekeeping or as a pledge; to be laid down; to sit down to rest or remain in place. Strong's: #3240

DEPOSITED: (masc.: פקדון / piq'don) Valuables placed for safekeeping. Produce or other stores that are watched over. Strong's: #6487

DEPRESSION: (masc.: כר / car) What is of a concave shape such as a saddle or pasture in a valley. Also, may mean the sheep of the pasture. Strong's: #3733

DEPTH: (fem.: מצולה / me'tso'lah) The bottom of a deep body of water. Strong's: #4688

DERISION: (fem.: שימצה / shim'tsah) To talk in a low quiet voice. Strong's: #8103

DESCENDER: (masc.: ירדן / yar'den) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DESERT: (fem.: ערבה / a'ra'vah) An expanse of land often barren of vegetation and people. Strong's: #6160

DESERT.REGION: (masc.: תימא / tiy'ma) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DESIRABLE: (masc.: תירס / tiy'ras) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DESIRE: (fem.: אוה / a'wat) What is good or bad, that is lusted after. Strong's: #0185

DESIRED: (masc.: חמדן / hham'do) Something that is craved. Strong's: [Found in names only]

DESOLATE: (fem.: שממה / she'ma'mah) Vacant or void of required sources for life. Strong's: #8047, #8077

DESOLATE(V): (שמם / sh.m.m) To be devoid of inhabitants or visitors. Strong's: #8074

DESOLATE.WILDERNESS: (masc.: ישימון / y'shiy'mon) A desolate place. Strong's: #3452

DESPAIRING: (masc.: למך / la'mad) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DESPISE(V): (בוז / b.w.z) To look down on with contempt or aversion. Strong's: #0936

DESPISED: (masc.: בוז / buz) One who is looked down upon with contempt or aversion. Strong's: #0937

DESTROY(V): (שמד / sh.m.d) To bring to ruin a structure, existence, or condition. Strong's: #8045

DESTRUCTION: (masc.: קטב / qe'tev) Strong's: #6986

DETEST(V): (שקץ / sh.q.ts) To detest that which is filthy. Strong's: #8262

DEVOTE(V): (חנך / hh.n.k) To set aside for or assign to a specific function, task, or purpose. Strong's: #2596

DEVOTED: (masc.: חנוך / hha'nokh) Immersed in activity for a specific task. Strong's: [Found in names only]

DEVOTION: (fem.: חנוכה / hha'nu'khah) Reserved for a specific use or purpose. Strong's: #2598

DEVOUR(V): (חסל / hh.s.l) Strong's: #2628

DEW: (masc.: טל / tal) Moisture condensed on the surfaces of cool bodies or objects, especially at night. Strong's: #2919

DIE(V): (מות / m.w.t) To pass from physical life; to pass out of existence; to come to an end through death. Alternate Translations: kill or be put to death (when written in the hiphil [active causative] form). Strong's: #4191

DIG(V): (כרה / k.r.h) To break or loosen earth with an instrument or tool. To bargain in the sense of digging. Strong's: #3738, #3739

DIG.OUT(V): (חפר / hh.p.r) To dig something out of the ground. To dig into something as if searching. To confuse in the sense of being dug out. Strong's: #2658, #2659

DIM(V): (כהה / k.h.h) Emitting a limited or insufficient amount of light; seen indistinctly or without clear outlines or details.. To be dark in the eyes or knowledge. Strong's: #3543

DIMINISH(V): (חסר / hh.s.r) To make less or cause to appear less; to lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of. Be lacking or to decrease. Strong's: #2637

DIMNESS: (masc.: כהה / key'heh) Strong's: #3544

DIP(V): (טבל / t.b.l) To plunge or immerse momentarily or partially, as under the surface of a liquid, to moisten, cool, or coat. Strong's: #2881

DIRECT(V): (צוה / ts.w.h) To cause to turn, move, or point undeviatingly or to follow a straight course; give instructions or orders for a path to be taken. Strong's: #6680

DIRECTIVE: (fem.: מצוה / mits'wah) The direction to go. Serving or intended to guide, govern, or influence; serving to point direction. Strong's: #4687

DIRT: (masc.: עפר / a'phar) The dust of the ground; a fine powder. Strong's: #6083

DIRTY: (masc.: טמא / ta'mey) (fem.: טמאה / ta'mey'ah) What is morally or physically impure; dirty, filthy. Strong's: #2931, #2932

DISCERNMENT: (fem.: דעת / da'at) The quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure. An intimacy with a person, idea or concept. Knowledge. Alternate Translations: unknowingly (when following the word "UNAWARE"). Strong's: #1847

DISCHARGE: (masc.: זוב / zuv) The issue of the sexual organs. Strong's: #2101

DISCIPLINE: (masc.: מוסר / mu'sar / mo'sey'rah) Knowledge, information or example imparted to provide guidance, correction and discipline. Strong's: #4561, #4148

DISCORD: (masc.: מדן / m'dan) A lack of concord or harmony between persons or things. Strong's: #4090

DISDAIN(V): (בזה / b.z.h) A feeling of contempt for what is beneath one; to look with scorn on; to treat something as spoiled or no longer of value. Strong's: #0959

DISEASE: (masc.: מדוה / mad'weh) An incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body that brings on an illness. Strong's: #4064

DISGRACE: (fem.: חרפה / hher'pah) A scorn, taunting or reproach as a piercing. Strong's: #2781

DISGUSTING: (fem.: תועבה / to'ey'vah) Something highly distasteful that arouses marked aversion in one. Strong's: #8441

DISLOCATE(V): (יקע / y.q.ah) To put out of place; to displace, as to dislocate a joint. Beheading by severing the neck.. Alternate Translations: hang (when written in the hiphil [active causative] form). Strong's: #3363

DISMAY: (fem.: בהלה / be'ha'lah) Sudden trouble, terror or ruin. Strong's: #0928

DISOBEY(V): (מרה / m.r.h) To neglect or refuse to obey; to rebel against. Strong's: #4784

DISPERSE(V): (זרה / z.r.h) To separate or remove to a distance apart from each other; to diffuse or cause to break into different parts. Strong's: #2219

DISPUTE: (masc.: ריב / riv) Bitter, sometimes violent conflict or dissension. Strong's: #7379

DISPUTE(V): (ריב / רוב / r.y.b / r.w.b) To engage in argument; to dispute or chide another in harassment or trial. Strong's: #7378

DISSOLVE(V): (מוג / m.w.g) To loose the bonds of something. To make something disappear. Strong's: #4127

DISTANCE: (masc.: רחוק / ra'hhoq) (fem.: רחוקה / re'hho'qah) Separation in space or time. A distant place or time. Strong's: #7350

DISTANT: (masc.: עולם / o'lam) A far off place as hidden beyond the horizon. A far off time as hidden from the present; the distant past or future. A place or time that cannot be perceived. Strong's: #5769

DISTRACTED: (masc.: פון / pun) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DISTRACTED.ONE: (masc.: פונון / pu'non) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DISTRESS(V): (עצב / ah.ts.b) The state of being in great trouble, great physical or mental strain and stress. To be in pain from grief or heavy toil. Strong's: #6087

DISTRESSING.PAIN: (masc.: עצב / e'tsev) Resulting from grief or heavy toil. This word can also mean an idol or image. Strong's: #6089, #6091, #6092

DISTRIBUTE(V): (חלק / hh.l.q) To divide and mete out according to a plan among the appropriate recipients. Strong's: #2505

DISTRIBUTION: (masc.: חלק / hhey'leq) An individual's part or share of something. The portions dispersed out. Strong's: #2506

DISTURB(V): (עכר / ah.k.r) To interfere with; to destroy tranquility; to throw into disorder. Agitate or trouble, as when stirring water. Strong's: #5916

DISTURBED.ONE: (masc.: עכרן / akh'ran) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DIVE(V): (דאה / d.a.h) To plunge, fall, or descend through the air or water. Strong's: #1675

DIVERSE.KIND: (masc.: כילא / kiy'la) Something produced by the forbidden practice of crossing together different kinds, such as crossbreeding cattle and the mixing of wool and linen. (This noun is always written in the double plural form). Strong's: #3610

DIVIDE(V): (חצה / hh.ts.h) To separate into two or more parts, areas or groups. To divide in half. Strong's: #2673

DIVIDE.APART(V): (פרד / p.r.d) To separate. Strong's: #6504

DIVIDE.INTO.PIECES(V): (נתח / n.t.hh) To sever or part into sections To distribute or to bestow in parts or shares. Strong's: #5408

DIVIDED.PART: (masc.: גזר / ge'zer) A part of a whole that was split and separated. Strong's: #1506

DIVIDING: (masc.: חצצון / hhats'tsun) A separating into parts. Strong's: [Found in names only]

DIVINATION: (masc.: קסם / qe'sem) Strong's: #7081

DIVINE(V): (קסם / q.s.m) To practice divination. Strong's: #7080

DIVORCE: (fem.: כריתות / k'riy'tut) As cut off from the husband. Strong's: #3748

DO(V): (עשה / ah.sh.h) To bring to pass; to bring about; to act or make. Alternate Translations: make; use. Strong's: #6213

DO.NOT: (אל / al) The negative of an alternative choice. To be without; to not be. Strong's: #0408

DO.SORCERY(V): (כשף / k.sh.p) To perform supernatural magic. Strong's: #3784

DO.THE.MARRIAGE.DUTY(V): (יבם / y.b.m) To perform the duty of the brother-in-law. When a brother dies, it is his brother's responsibility to marry his sister-in-law to provide his brother a child there-by, exalting the woman to her responsibility of bringing a child for her dead husband. Strong's: #2992

DO.WELL(V): (יטב / y.t.b) To do something necessary; to be good. Alternate Translations: go well, thoroughly. Strong's: #3190

DOE: (fem.: אילה / ay'ya'lah) The adult female fallow deer. Strong's: #0355

DOG: (masc.: כלב / ke'lev) An unclean four-footed animal. Also, meaning "contempt" or "reproach." Strong's: #3611

DOING: (masc.: עסו / a'sah) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DONATION: (masc.: קורבן / qor'ban) Something given to another in devotion. Strong's: #7133

DONKEY: (masc.: חמור / hha'mor) A male ass. Strong's: #2543, #2565

DOOR: (fem.: דלת / de'let) A means of access; usually a swinging or sliding barrier by which an entry is closed and opened. Strong's: #1817

DOORPOST: (fem.: מזוזה / me'zu'zah) The vertical supporting frame or post around a door or gate. Strong's: #4201

DOORWAY: (masc.: נפתוח / niph'to'ahh) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DOUBLE: (masc.: משנה / mish'neh) To make twice as great or as many. As a second or a multiple of two. Strong's: #4932

DOUBLE.OVER(V): (כפל / k.p.l) To bend at the waist or middle. Strong's: #3717

DOUBLED: (fem.: מכפלה / makh'pe'lah) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DOUGH: (masc.: בצק / ba'tseyq) A mass of flour and water that rises when yeast is added and is then baked into bread or cakes. Strong's: #1217

DOVE: (fem.: יונה / yo'nah) Any of numerous species of birds, especially a small wild one. Strong's: #3123

DOWRY: (masc.: זבד / zey'ved) The money, goods, or estate that a woman brings to her husband in marriage. Strong's: #2065

DRAIN(V): (מצה / m.ts.h) To squeeze out by wringing. Strong's: #4680

DRAW(V): (משך / m.sh.k) To pull up or out of a receptacle or place; to draw or pull something out; to prolong in the sense of drawing out time; to draw out a sound from a horn. Strong's: #4900

DRAW.AWAY(V): (נתק / n.t.q) To draw out or away as a bowstring or to draw a cord to its breaking point. Strong's: #5423

DRAW.NEAR(V): (נגש / n.g.sh) To bring close to another. Strong's: #5066

DRAW.OUT(V): (רוק / r.w.q) To empty. To arm oneself by unsheathing a sword in the sense of emptying the scabbard. Acting in vain; empty-handed. Strong's: #7324

DRAW.UP(V): (דלה / d.l.h) To bale up. To lift the bucket out of the well for drawing water. Strong's: #1802

DRAW.WATER(V): (שאב / sh.a.b) To bring up water from a well, usually using a rope and a bucket. Strong's: #7579

DRAWING.NEAR: (masc.: גושן / go'shen) To come or be brought close. Strong's: [Found in names only]

DRAWN.OUT: (masc.: מש / mash) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DREAD: (fem.: חיתה / hhi'tah) Great fear, especially in the face of impending evil. Strong's: #2847

DREAM: (masc.: חלום / hha'lom) A series of thoughts, images or emotions occurring during sleep. Strong's: #2472

DREAM(V): (חלם / hh.l.m) To see or form a mental image of; to dream dreams. Strong's: #2492

DRIED.OUT: (fem.: חרבה / hhar'bah) A dry or desolate place. Barren or uncultivated land. Also, a dry land. Strong's: #2720, #2723, #2724

DRILL(V): (חלל / hh.l.l) To run into or through as with a pointed weapon or tool; pierce a hole through. Alternate Translations: begin, in the sense of pressing in (when written in the hiphil [active causative] form); defile (when written in the hiphil [active causative], piel [active intensive] or niphil [passive] form). Strong's: #2490

DRILLED: (masc.: חלל / hha'lal) (fem.: חללה / hha'la'lah) One who has been run through with a sword. Strong's: #2491

DRINK(V): (שקה / sh.q.h) To swallow liquid, whether of man or of the land. Strong's: #8248

DRINKING: (masc.: משקה / mash'qeh) The act of swallowing water or other liquid. The drinking of the land in the sense of it being watered or irrigated. Strong's: #4945

DRIP(V): (דלף / d.l.p) To fall in drops. Strong's: #1811

DRIVE(V): (נהג / n.h.g) To set or keep in motion; to press or force into an activity, course, or direction. Strong's: #5090

DRIVE.OUT(V): (נדח / n.d.hh) To forcefully send someone or something out or away; to drive an axe through wood. Strong's: #5080

DROP(V): (ערף / ah.r.p) To fall down as rain from the clouds. Strong's: #6201

DROP.DOWN(V): (נתך / n.t.k) To pour down, pour out to the ground or into a vessel. To pour out anger to another. Strong's: #5413

DROVE: (masc.: עדר / ey'der) A group of animals driven or moving in a body. Strong's: #5739

DROWN(V): (שקע / sh.q.ah) To sink down. Strong's: #8257

DRUNKARD: (masc.: סבא / sa'va) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DRY: (masc.: יבש / ya'veysh) (fem.: יבשה / ye'vey'shah) Void of water or moisture. Strong's: #3002

DRY(V): (קלה / q.l.h) To dry foods, grains and meats, to preserve them. Dried foods are carried by the shepherd. To be light in stature; worthless; despised. Strong's: #7033, #7034

DRY.GROUND: (fem.: יבשה / ya'ba'shah) Land that has become parched or void of water. Strong's: #3004

DRY.LAND: (fem.: יבשת / ya'be'shet) An area void of moisture or water. Strong's: #3006

DRY.OUT(V): (יבש / y.b.sh) To be withered, ashamed or confused. Strong's: #3001

DRY.UP(V): (חרב / hh.r.b) To be a dry wasteland; to be laid waste and made desolate. Strong's: #2717

DUG.OUT.WELL: (masc.: חפר / hhe'pher) Strong's: [Found in names only]

DULL.RED: (masc.: חכלילי / hhakh'li'li) The color of blood and wine. Strong's: #2447

DUNG: (masc.: פרש / pe'resh) The excrement of animals or humans. Manure or refuse. Strong's: #6569

DUST: (masc.: אבק / a'vaq) Fine particles of earth or other material that are easily disturbed to create a cloud. Strong's: #0080

DUST.CLOUD: (masc.: שחק / sha'hhaq) A mass of fine powder being blown by the wind. Strong's: #7834

DWELL(V): (שכן / sh.k.n) To remain for a time; to live as a resident; to stay or sit in one location for an indeterminate duration. Alternate Translations: place (when written in the infinitive form). Strong's: #7931

DWELLER: (masc.: שכן / she'khen) The resident of a region. Also, a habitation, the place of residence. Strong's: #7933, #7934

DWELLING: (masc.: משכן / mish'kan) A place of habitation or residence. Strong's: #4908

DYSFUNCTIONAL: (masc.: רע / ra) (fem.: רעה / ra'ah) Impaired or abnormal action other than that for which a person or thing is intended. Something that does not function within its intended purpose. Strong's: #7451, #7455

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