About the Mechanical Translation
 | | How to Use the Book (Article) A detailed explanation of the different aspects of this translation and how to use it for better Biblical understanding. |
 | | Redefining Biblical Words (Article) In this translation, many Hebrew words are translated differently than one may be used to, but these differences will reveal new understandings and interpretations. |
 | | Is Strong's Dictionary enough? (Article) Strong's dictionary is the most popular Hebrew dictionary, but it does have limitations that most people are unaware of. |
 | | Theological Filters (Article) When reading the Bible, it is common to interpret it based on one's own preconceived perceptions, but one must ignore these in order to discover new truths. |
About the Hebrew Language
 | | Learn to Read Hebrew (Video) How Mr. Benner's book, The Torah: A Mechanical Translation, and course, Learn Hebrew, can be used to assist one in learning how to read Biblical Hebrew. |
 | | The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet (Article) A detailed history of the Hebrew alphabet from its original pictographic script to the modern alphabet used today. |
 | | The Ancient Hebrew Language (Article) A brief history of the Hebrew langauge as it relates to the Bible followed by an examination of the mechanics of the langauge, including the use of nouns and verbs and other forms of the words. |
 | | History of the Torah (Article) A history of how the Torah came to us today, including its original oral traditions, ancient inscriptions related to the torah and the various manuscripts and translations of the Torah. |
 | | The Documentary Hypothesis (Article) Textual evidence for the theory that the Torah was written by multiple authors and not just Moses. |
 | | Textual Criticism (Article) An example of how the various ancient manuscripts and translations of the Torah are examined to determine the original wording of the text. |
Torah Resources
 | | Genesis Corrections (Article) Since its original publishing, several corrections have been and are identified here. |
 | | The Leningrad Codex (Article) Complete images of the one thousand year old Leningrad Codex indexed by chapter and verse. |
 | | Modules for "eSword" (Article) Several videos created by Mr. Benner delving into the langauge and meaning of various passages from the Torah. |
 | | Modules for "The Word" (Article) Modules for the free The Word Bible program are available for the Mechanical Translation. |
 | | Videos (Video) Several videos created by Mr. Benner delving into the langauge and meaning of various passages from the Torah. |